Category "Uncategorized"

October4, 2019
by Vida Verde

5 Tips for Preventing Altitude Sickness

  You fly into Quito between clouds that are creeping over the mountains into the valleys below you. Looking out the window, you’re tempted to parachute out the airplane emergency exit in that very moment just to start your adventure a little sooner. But, alas, you left your parachute at home.

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April3, 2019
by Vida Verde

4 Things to Do During La Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Quito 2019

Looking to have a truly cultural Latin American experience? La Semana Santa in Ecuador is the perfect time to come to experience some of the more unique traditions in Ecuador. Holy Week in 2019 runs from Sunday, April 14th until Sunday, April 21st. If you are here in Quito during La Semana Semana, t

Media, Uncategorized

April1, 2019
by Vida Verde

10 Traditional Ecuadorian Foods You NEED to Try

Thanks to new methods of producing food, biologists warn of a future day when mankind will become a toothless being with atrophied taste buds. Future humans may be fed nutrients completely via a diet of pills, tablets, and purées. With such a diet, teeth may become obsolete and taste buds may become

Media, Uncategorized

January14, 2019
by Vida Verde

Student Testimonial

Learning Spanish and Meeting People at Vida Verde, Quito The following is a review written by one of our past students, publicized by his permission: This September, I stayed at Vida Verde for the second time, and again, my expectations were not dashed. Two weeks of a crash course in the morning, ac


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